Saturday, June 13, 2020

Project Management Tool Updated

I went in and updated the UI for the project management tool so it was more user friendly. I also added in the option for the user to rename a project. I took away the option of the create and open button, as well as which software would be created. I found that users found that it slowed them down and they would prefer to have all the software for the assets created at once. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Project Management Tool Finished

This is the final version of my project management tool. After many trials and errors I finally got all of this to come together.

This tool is to help organize projects so that they are easily accessible and manageable. This creates and saves projects with their folder structures. The user can delete and open the assets projects from this tool. It also allows the user to create new assets, and it automatically places them in the projects folder structure.